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You'll see in one month

  There are too many factors involved to give a step by step instruction. When more than one person is in the equation, it is already a matter of compatibility and unity of views. If two people grew up in different conditions and they have different understanding about the things around them there is very little chance that a strong relationship can be built. It is possible, though, to overcome certain obstacles adjusting your own behavior and/or the behavior of your partner but there are limits here. You must not mix up the play and the permanent change. Many of us are capable of playing rather good to give an impression of compatibility but it is difficult and makes little sense to turn your life into a constant play. From my own experience, you don't have to do anything special to build up a successful relation, just be yourself and if in one month you see that everything is going smoothly then there is a good chance to build one if no - it is practically makes no sense to continue no matter how hard your conscious or sub- conscious wants to succeed.
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