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Furniture Arranging Service

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  Furniture Arranging Service business.

  Business Overview

  Launching a furniture arranging and rearranging service that caters to residential and commercial clients is a fantastic new part-time business venture to put into action. The business can easily be managed from a homebased office, requires little in the way of experience or start-up capital, and has the potential to generate an income in the range of $15 to $25 per hour. Target your marketing efforts toward people and businesses that are the most likely to use the service, or refer their clients to the service. This can include moving companies, real estate agents, interior decorators, and furniture retailers. You can also market the service directly to homeowners by distributing fliers explaining the benefits of your service, as well as the benefits of having their furniture professionally rearranged (i.e., more visually appealing, better use of small living spaces, increased functionality, etc.). A prerequisite for operating the business is an eye for design and organization, as well as a strong back. Extra income can also be earned by providing clients with additional services, such as a packing and unpacking service and a budget decorating service, both of which are also featured in this directory.
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