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Residential Safety Consultant

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  Residential Safety Consultant business. Have an eye for hazards? Help clients feel safe at home.

  Business Overview

  Statistically speaking, the largest percentage of accidents causing injuries do not happen on the job, on the roads, or on playing fields, but right at home. Falls, accidental poisonings, burns, cuts, broken bones, and many other types of injuries take place in thousands of homes across the country every single day. The vast majority of these injuries are preventable through education, and by taking proactive steps to eliminate or reduce potential risks around the home. Working as a residential safety consultant, you can conduct inspections of your clients' homes, noting all the potential hazards inside and outside. The next step is to write a report outlining these hazards, along with your recommendations for removing, repairing, or reducing these hazards. At this point, at your client's request, you can carry out the recommended corrective measures, hire a handyperson to do the work, or refer your client to people who can do the work. So what are these potential hazards around the house that can cause harm to kids, pets, seniors, and, in fact, anyone? A few include trip hazards on exterior walkways, window-blind cords, the lack of grab bars and anti-slip surfaces in washrooms, the unsafe storage of cleaning solvents, and the lack of child-resistant latches on cabinets and cutlery drawers.

  The Market

  Business owners and individuals. You may also want to target at-home child care providers who need to ensure their homes are safe to care for children.
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