Online Business
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Online Bagpipes

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  Online Bagpipes business. Start a site where bagpipers can advertise their services.

  Business Overview

  An online bagpipe service is simply a listing or posting service for bagpipe musicians for marketing their bagpipe playing services. In the past decade live bagpipe music has become extremely popular for entertaining guests at weddings, funerals, trade shows and just about any other special event or occasion. Starting an online venture dedicated to helping people and event planners find an accomplished bagpiper in their area to play at special events is not only a unique business enterprise to start, but it could also prove to be profitable and fun. Revenues for the business can be earned by charging bagpipers a listing fee to have their service posted on the website, or you can act as a booking agent for the bagpipers and retain a commission on the performance fee. Additionally, be sure to always broadcast bagpipe music over the site. You would be amazed by how many people will leave on their computers just to hear it.
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