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Lab Projects
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Instead of saving to flash memory on your digital camera, wouldn't it be great if you can save to a wireless network drive? With the right setup, this would allow an almost unlimited amount of space for snapshots. You can take photos until you're out of battery.
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How about a heated wrist mouse pad. You know those mouse pads with the soft wrist support pad on the edge? Well how about putting a little heater in there to make it warm. That way it relaxes your wrist as you use your mouse.
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Remember those old dummy terminals back in the days... (if you're old enough) well I bet they will come back one day when someone steals this idea. Ok what's a dummy terminal? In a nutshell, it used to be basically a monitor and keyboard hooked up to a network of some kind. Usually there was a text based screen where the user can interact. Most or all of the processing was done on a central computer. So my idea is that 1 day, we all invest into dummy terminals but this time with...
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Ever hate those annoying folks who drive by your house with their bass system shaking your windows, walls, and floor? Waking up your children, preventing you from studying? The government has laws about regulating noise in residential areas but rarely enforced. What better way to enforce these laws with an EMP gun turret. Mount this bad boy on a telephone pole in a residential area. When a driver passes by with audio levels prohibited in neighborhoods, the turret locks onto the car and...