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Lab Projects
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The wristband will help keep track of your emotional health, monitoring your mood and offering suggestions if you seem a bit unbalanced. The wristband will contain the "life spectrum analyzer", which is a medical-grade. Rather than simply gathering data on heart rate or blood pressure, the device will monitor the body's entire autonomic nervous system by capturing and analyzing the electrical impulses from the cells in the right atrium. The results will then be sent to the user's...
Using injections of gold nanorods subjected to UV light, it is possible to come a step closer to a non-surgical, reversible, male contraceptive. The technique will be based upon the well-known fact that heat will kill sperm cells. The method will involve injecting a mixture containing nanorods of gold, which will then be heated from the outside by an infrared laser. This will heat the rods up enough to kill the sperm cells, but not enough to kill the cell that make new sperm. ...
Dr. Gibbson
The idea is to develop a wound dressing inspired by the healing properties of the scab, nature's own bandage. The new 'cytophilic' dressing could be modeled after the underside of the scab, which is covered with tiny fibers all arranged in the same direction--much like velvet. These fibers will attract new cells to the wound site, which will speed healing.
Dr. Gibbson
The new, lightweight transport monitor will keep track of an array of vital signs and significant events, providing a record for analysis once the patient arrives at their destination. Designed for both basic and high acuity transport, the device will be able to maintain a high level of monitoring and while remaining portable. It will feature a 5.5 inch color, touchscreen display and will weigh only 3.5 pound, and can display and store information on a variety of vitals, such as...
Dr. Gibbson
A helmet that will use magnetism to detect brain bleeding or swelling could lead to a new way to quickly check a person for brain injuries. The helmet will feature a small coil that will generate a magnetic field above the victim's head. A second coil sitting just above the ears will then detect the magnetic field as it is induced in the brain, which will allow the medical team to identify alterations in the magnetic field's phase. These alterations can be caused by liquid, such as...
Dr. Gibbson
The discovery that layered clay can stimulate stem cells to become bone cells could lead to a new generation of tissue engineering. Synthetic silicate nanoplatelets can induce stem cells to change into bone cells without requiring any other bone-inducing factors. It is believed that the nanoplatelets could be used to create injectable tissue repair matrixes, bioactive fillers, or therapeutic agents for stimulating specific cellular responses in bone-related tissue engineering. ...
Dr. Gibbson
The CPR coaching device will use powerful magnetic fields to help track compressions, ensuring optimal feedback and analysis. The system will consist of a two pieces--one placed on directly on the patient's chest and one placed below the patient. It will use a process called Triaxial Field Induction to constantly measure the distance between the two units, enabling the system to remain accurate even on soft surfaces or in moving vehicles, and will provide feedback in real time....
Tiny, glowing robots injected into the eye to monitor oxygen levels could soon be on the front lines in the efforts to help prevent blindness. The robots will be designed to be injected into to vitreous fluid of the eye and steered via magnetic fields. They will be coated with a dye that will glow when exposed to certain wavelengths of light and fade quickly in the presence of oxygen, which would allow doctors to monitor the oxygen levels of the eye by applying a pulse of light and...
Designed for the visually impaired, the portable Access Lens system will use vision-based tracking to enable people to access paper documents with gestures. The system will feature a camera that will scan the documents and software that can identify text and track gestures. A computerized grid will be laid over the document, which the user can move their finger over in order to hear the content read aloud or receive directional commands. The system will cross-check the text against...
Jack Brown
Expecting parents can start filling their photo albums even earlier with the introduction of HDlive 3D ultrasound machine, which will create clear, color images. The HDlive technology will be able to support a moveable, virtual light source, which will allow it to create shadows, highlights and depth. The result will be an image with significantly greater detail than was previously possible. Besides giving proud parents a better first look at their baby, the technology will also...
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