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I really like wearing cowboy hats. They look cool. However, they don't do much for warmth, and they fly off so easy I can't wear one snowboarding. So why not make a cowboy hat that has an inner lining that pulls down and you can wear it over your face! YEEHAW!
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I had an idea the other day when I was walking through the rain with an umbrella that only allowed 1/4th of my body to prevent from getting wet. We all know how uncomfortable rain coats are because they're so close to your body and that causes easy muggyness. I propose an idea of an umbrella with a detachable velcro-lined clear plastic that's about 3-5ft in length. This goes all the way around your body and drapes down to about your knees or your shoes. It's clear so you can see through...
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Taking off and putting on bras for either sex may be an arduous task. My idea is for a bra that uses very thin magnetic strips to hold a bra together.
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Air powered massaging walking shoes, it will give walking a whole new feel. By using the wind from walking it will rotate little disks, that in turn rub the soles of your feet! How great is that?!
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Design pants with towelling pocket linings for businessmen of nervous dispositions and sweaty palms.
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I'd like to see someone make nail polish without all the harmful chemicals so that it can be edible when you're hungry and have no food at hand.
John Edward
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Here's a problem I bet everyone's encountered many times: you're traveling somewhere and want to take your sombrero, but the darn thing is just too big to pack! Solution: they have collapsible top hats; why not sombreros? It shouldn't be any harder to construct, should it?
The new umbrella will let you text in the rain, and will also offer a comfortable option for arthritis or carpal tunnel sufferers. The new umbrella difference will lie in its unique grip made up of four finger holes and a soft, ergonomic handle. The rubber material of the hand will conform to the user's hand for maximum comfort and will be strong enough to hold up to stormy conditions. The grip will also leave both thumbs free for texting, because texting doesn't stop just because...
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One problem that haunts me since I'm old enough to buy clothes: buying jeans that fit! Typically I go into a store, buy the "perfect" pair of jeans, and after a couple of days they turn out to be way too big. Last time I even went back to the shop to return my pair for smaller ones, but then I ended up going home with the SAME jeans because they seemed just right, and a week later they were still a full inch too wide. Ok, I admit that buying jeans directly after lunch is a stupid...
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With every possible section zippered with wather proof zippers and a serigated sole; you could have any shoe like a sneaker fold into itself to a square of about four inches in total. This way you can wear shoes for weather appropriateness then pull out you comfortable fold aways for the destination or work place. You can't work in an office in boots!