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Photo ID Service

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  Photo ID Service business. Each year, millions of dollars worth of property are stolen out of homes and offices.
  With a photo ID service that burns proof of property onto a CD, this service really does take care of business.

  Business Overview

  A photo ID service is a terrific homebased business venture to set in motion, and has the potential to generate a six-figure income per year once established. The business concept is very straightforward. Each year millions of dollars worth of personal property such as TVs, stereos, home computers, and other household items are stolen from homes and businesses. The photo ID service is simply taking digital pictures of a client's personal property and storing the images on a CD-ROM. Clients receive one copy of the CD-ROM while a second copy is archived in storage. Should the client's home or business be burglarized and questions arise about the property stolen, the client would simply produce a copy of the CD-ROM for the police and insurance company featuring the items that have been stolen, leaving no doubt as to the type and value of the stolen items. The service could be provided both to residential homeowners as well as business owners. A fantastic way to market this type of unique service is to establish alliances with companies that sell and install home alarm systems. The alarm companies could offer this service as a free added-value for their clients or charge only a small fee for the service. A joint venture such as this would be a win-win-win situation. The home or business owner would receive a terrific service that could potentially save them thousands of dollars or result in the stolen items being returned. The alarm company would have a sales and marketing tool second to none for promotional use, which would definitely separate them from their competition, and you would benefit by establishing a successful business that is being marketed and promoted by a team with great built-in contacts and resources. Once again, a photo ID service is very simple to establish and does not require a great deal of photographic skill. However, some computer and software skills will be needed to successfully transfer the digital images to the CD-ROM
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