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Bottled Water

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  Bottled Water business. With a focus on health, the bottled water market continues to be strong.

  Business Overview

  Did you know that many water bottling facilities bottle water under private label agreements? While this may seem like useless trivia to most, it certainly is useful information for anyone seeking to start a business wholesaling or retailing bottled water, especially on a limited startup capital basis. Fifty years from now the overnight millionaires and billionaires will not be conquering heroes of tech startups, but rather entrepreneurs that had the foresight to start businesses in the water supply or recycling industries. The world's population now stands at more than six billion people, half of which don't currently have access to clean drinking water. As the world's population expands, this disastrous situation isn't going to improve. It's possible to get into the bottled water sales business now with a limited startup investment and grow the business from the profits that are earned until the business can be expanded to the point that water bottling and purchasing water rights for bottling can be accomplished.
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