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Lab Projects
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Recovery of otherwise-wasted energy is becoming more important. The hybrid cars now on the market and an idea about placing windmills next to highways to be turned by the constant wind suggest looking into other sources. The constant water flow from municiple water systems and water towers could be used to drive turbines just as a hydroelectric dam, but to generate electricity on a smaller scale.
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The title says it all - serving wanna-be's everywhere!
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A portable hand-held device that incorporates a digital bar-code reader, memory for data storage, and usb port could be used with appropriate programming to monitor nutritional intake with real-time convenience. The reader would allow a user to scan the product's bar code for identificantion of the food, and then search its database for "nutrition-fact" data for the product to give a running total of nutritional intake over a day or other time increment. This would require a digital...
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Those yellow and other multi-colored message slips are good for drawing attention to themselves and the messages written on them, but what if the information BEHIND the message is also important? Transparent post-its could work to temporarily modify other printed information like calendars, other printed posters and signs, books, etc. Using material similar to transparent tape, but with the removable adhesive should make this a simple and useful innovation.
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A website that allows groups of people to enter into a contract to distribute payments from a single source according to a simple percentage scheme. For example, if a creative product developed by a group was sold on the web, the resulting payments would be made through this website to a common account for the product, but then distributed to the individuals in the group automatically. This is similar to Paypal, but with the automatic distribution system, it allows long-term collaborations...
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Scholarships for college awarded to high school students usually come from colleges themselves or philanthropic sources. One important stakeholder in having a well-educated workforce is corporate America. Companies should sponsor prestigous college scholarships for promising students as they are graduating from high school for a commitment to work for the company for a certain period of time. The military does this effectively through the academies and ROTC. Corporations need to contribute...
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Streaming radios of different varieties of background noise to be used in the office, home, or busines to create different moods. Rather than using CD's a much richer variety of sounds could be offered through a website. Some examples: natural sounds (beach, forest, wind in trees, rain); Urban sounds (traffic, sidewalk, restaurant, bar), Animals (birds, barnyard, wolves, insects), White noise (different frequencies), mechanical (bicycle, motor, water-wheel, fountain). Ads would be visual...
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Take advantage of excess electrical production capacity during night-time hours by equipping homes and businesses with large battery systems. This approach has been suggested for electrical cars where the disadvantage is the size of the battery system, but this would be much less of an issue for homes and businesses. Power companies would need to provide a cost incentive to encourage the use of these and the energy storage mode would be best controlled remotely by centralized operation at...
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Purchases made in person in stores have a disadvantage for customers in that there is no electronic record of the purchase available for the customer, only a paper receipt. Since receipts are often needed for returns, proof-of-purchase, rebates, etc., there is motivation to mimic internet sales with electronic receipts. If the customer was willing to give their email address to the store clerk, these could be sent by email (along with advertising). If the customer wanted to remain...
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Our founding fathers were exceptionally wise to ensure a separation of church and state. Now that enormous power lies in the business and financial world, we now see the results of too close relationships between large corporations and our own US government. The American people should demand Separation of Business and State.