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Lab Projects
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I just think that they have sugar cubes so why not invent milk cubes too. Extremely portable and dissolve quickly into whatever liquid substance that needs milk. Hot or cold.
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Why make plastic utensils when paper can be just as durable? It makes no sense to make something to be thrown away every time you use them, when they can be replaced by a cheaper, bio-degradable, environmentally sound product that would hold up to hours of use. Paper can have many uses, but this is the best one. They make the paper plate, but forgot to make the rest out of paper. The knife, the fork, the spoon, the spork and everything else,could be paper, and then we would have a set that...
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Any Muffin you can think of would taste much better if you simply filled the inside of it with your favorite, stuffed, filled, cream. Much like a cream puff, but this is done with the Muffin; a much more popular and more eaten food, especially at breakfast time when you need energy and flavor to wake you up and get you going. This would not only improve and renew the Muffin, but the industry would probably make more of them, driving the cost down on one of our favorite foods, and that...
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Imagine: lobster, crab, muscles, oysters, scallops, or other seafoods, deep fried and battered in bite sizes, just right for dipping in cocktail sauce or tarter sauce or your favorite sauce; even catsup. The process would be simple you just compress the oyster or, whatever seafood it is into a small size, batter it with spices, then you deep fry it. Nothing sounds better at mid-night than microwaving a couple dozen crab (Bites) or nuggets, then, in one or two minutes, have your favorite...
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Great for sneeking your own liquor into bars and restaurants. Be the cheap person that I am, I tried my best to sneak in pint bottles so I would not have to pay the premium for my mixed drinks. This however go fairly unattractive in the summer trying to lug a pint bottle in my shorts or jeans. My idea would be to packetized liquor (obviously not in sizes greater than shot) in a dissolving capsule that would release the liquor when it touches your mixing beverage of choice.
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I'd like to know if anyone have done with commercial breast milk? If not, why not if we ferment the mammary cell that produce the milk in a fermenter and supply the right nutrient to the cell, so that the cell will keep growing and produce milk juz like natural breast milk, besides we can add flavour, colour and additional vitamins... we also can sell it as cake, bread, sweets or anything that not just suit for baby but for adult too... can u imagine? we can taste our mom milk again, and...
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A large percentage of people who gain excesive weight due to overeating, eat when there not even hungry, but just because of the flavor and taste of the food, or the "sensation" of having it in their mouth. It would be great to have some kind of gum or chewing substance that was flavored like our favorite foods. Not only could this reduce the amount actual excessive weight gain from unnecesary eating, but it could probably help in the weight loose process, by basicly eating less, but...
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A beverage can that is shaped like a cone so that it is wider at the bottom but, one you can still grab ahold of and drink from. This would prevent any spill from happening due to it's shape. They make cups like this all ready (and tippy cups for kids or water bottles) but, if the can manufacturers would kindly shift to this cone shape it would prevent that friday night spill or any spill for that matter. I can't think of any other way to keep it from spillling. You can't put beer in juice...
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Most of us have tried the free food samples at our local supermarket. They are usually chips, dips, sausages, cheese, or similar "finger food." While not always delicious, it is usually much better than a tiny bag of pretzels or peanuts that we get on a short airline flight. Why not make the food samples available to airline passengers. It would be a step up from what we get and wouldn't cost the airlines. Passengers could also fill out an optional opinion form and perhaps get a coupon...
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Using the same formula as is used when making hot dog or hamburger buns, you could make a multi-use loaf of standard looking bread but, with the hot dog hamburger formula and add in all that is needed to make the loaf of square bread work with hamburgers and hot dogs at the same time. You know that when we shop for bread we usually buy the regular kind and forget the hot dog and hamburger buns then we use the regular bread for hot dogs and hamburgers. Why not make all buns in loaves of...