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Ideas Search Result
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
Most mobile phones seem to suffer from severe depressions. Owners of cheaper models won't notice, but if yours has a vibration alert, you can put it to the test: Simply place your phone on a high table and dial your own number. See how your phone slowly inches towards the edge and tries to jump off the cliff? Smart manufacturers could put and end to this lemming-like behavior by using a non-vibrating cover (e.g. rubber) for the back of the phone.
Not Rated
One of the biggest drawbacks of headphones is that they block oxygen supply to the ears. Hence when you use them more than a few hours a day you start getting ear related problems. So my idea is a head phone that won't give you any problems, even if you use them for 8 hours+ or more ( you know people in the service industry call centers etc , basically those people who are not audiophiles.) These head phone will have two modes, simple (no amplification) and powered mode (sound...
Not Rated
How many times does someone hand you a printed business card that you can never find when you need it? Imagine a slot on your mobile that you slip the card into that scans/copies it for future reference?
Not Rated
Create a cell network whereby each cell phone "forwards" the call to the recipient. Example: I am location A and want to speak to my friend in location B, X miles away, let's say 10 miles. I call him/her and the cell phone transmission hops and skips through other users' idle phones until it finds my friend. Network would take advantage of users whose phones are idle - on, but not in use - to transmit and amplify the calls. Each cell phone is connected to the network and is standing...
Not Rated
Can anyone help me with a so-so good advertising idea...most of the sliding mobiles are just bare plastic etc... when being used...a good place for a logo? could make a lot of money...just a thought!
Not Rated
Every year I inevitably lose or have my cell phone stolen, and it drives me crazy to lose all the numbers and contact info I have stored. Now I realize that there are devices capable of linking with computers and saving info, but how often do people really do this. I propose to make the cell phone charger actually contain an additional SIM card to record your contacts everytime you charge up. This way one has a recent record of one's phone numbers, that requires no tech savy and no effort...
Not Rated
I don't know why companies that make phones haven't thought of novelty type mobile phones like in the shape of footballs, teddy bears for kids, cars or semi nude models for adults even pop stars, guns, fruit machines, etc.
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At work the other day some co-workers expressed a desire to listen to personal music, but we could not do that without earphones, at which point we would no longer be able to hear if our phone rang. I suggested a CD player with a phone headset instead of regular headphones. The CD player would also have a place to plug in the phone, so when the phone rang it would ring through so you can answer the phone (or continue to listen to music, if you're avoiding work). This way you don't miss...
Not Rated
Text condensing for text messaging. I've heard of predictive text for cell phones, this is kinda the reverse. I've often found myself running out of text space and going back and condensing/abreviating words to squeeze a couple more in. This wouldn't be a problem if there were more spaces available for text per message, OR, if there was a text condensing tool on my phone.
le tian
Not Rated
I think there may be a telephone with a scent emitter. The emitter contains a lot of scent of flowers, and on the screen of the telephone, we can find a list of scent. You can set the telephone number to the list. For example, the number of your girlfriend ok! certainly the scent of rose or other scent of flower what she like; if your classmates maybe the scent of lily, and so on... Then when you hear the calls, if you feel the scent of rose, ok it's her, no doubt! I think this...