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Writers Actually Get Paid for Writing

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  Ever wanted to write something? But procrastinated every time? I bet you know a few other people who also feel the same way. So did I - we started getting together every week, for a couple hours, and reading over each other's work, offering suggestions. If you haven't added more to your story, or written anything new, you have to pay a fine into the pot (we used $5.00). If you don't show up or come late, we fined each other $2.00. This all goes into a pot. When somebody finishes and edits a story, then we throw a small party (just dinner and drinks) and all parade off to the post office to mail it off. For mailing a story you get $10, for having it rejected you get a consolation prize of $15.00 and if it gets published, you get all the money in the pot! Of course adjust the fines and rewards for your own needs - the idea is that it gives you an incentive. We also offer 'scholarships' and 'grants' of $50.00 or less - like if one of us is having a hard week and the paycheck is stretching thin, we are having to work extra and give up writing time because of it, then we can apply for 'scholarship' and if we all vote ok, then you can be given a little $$$ to tide you through - if you DON'T write during that time you have to pay it all back, but if you DO write, it becomes a 'grant' instead. This system has gotten several of us published.
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