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Baby-Sitting Referral Service

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  Baby-Sitting Referral Service business. Calm parents' fears and match people up with work with a baby-sitting referral business.

  Business Overview

  There are three ways to earn money running a baby-sitting referral service. The first is to charge baby sitters a fee to join the service, be listed in the directory, and have access to parents seeking baby-sitting services. The second is to charge parents a fee to join the service so they have access to a suitable and qualified baby sitter in their area. And the third way to earn money is to sell advertising space on your website and in your monthly 'Baby-Sitting Newsletter' to community businesses that want access to your customer base to advertise their products and services, especially child- and baby-related businesses. Combined, these three revenue streams have the potential to generate huge profits for the innovative entrepreneur with strong marketing and management skills. You can run the business whether you plan on having parents and sitters sign up in person or online. It will be important to develop a screening system for both potential baby sitters and parents looking for baby sitters, to offer peace of mind in terms of qualifications, suitability and security.
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